
Import a File at the Request Role Level

A user generates a file in the form of an Excel spreadsheet from within dspCompose™. A user then adds the request data to the spreadsheet, and the file can then be imported.

NOTE: Each data entry role that should import a spreadsheet for the template must have the Excel Import Allowed check box enabled. Navigate to the Template (Role) page’s Vertical View for the Data Entry role. On the Import Settings tab, click the check box to enable it. This check box is enabled by default.

NOTE: Refer to Configure Columns for File Generation and Data Entry for more information about configuring settings for which columns display and how they display in the generated file.

NOTE: External Data roles receive a generated spreadsheet to update request data. Refer to Use External Data Roles in Request Processing for more information.

NOTE: For column values to be translated in Excel spreadsheets, any Custom Application catalogs should be registered to dspCompose™ or translation values should be entered in the dspCompose_Data catalog. Refer to platform documentation for more information.

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